Going Remote – Supporting Ourselves
In the eighth episode of the S.A.F.E. Topics podcast, we continue our special series on Going Remote. As we enter the second week of remote instruction, hosts Sean and curry were joined by Casey McFarland (Kinesiology), Jeff Murico (Religion/Philosophy), Thao Ha (Sociology), and Rachel Hastings (Communication) to discuss how we can continue moving forward as faculty and for our students.
What to listen for:
- The importance of moving.
- Taking care of our pets during these times.
- “Corona cut” hair cuts.
- The realities of working from home.
- “Silent struggles.”
- Ensuring our students get adequate resources.
- Being flexible, forgiving, and structured.
- Humanizing our experiences.
- Practicing mindfulness and being in the moment.
- Goals and routines.
- “The Attitude of Gratitude”
- Different perspectives on this moment in history.
You can connect with the S.A.F.E. Topics podcast on Instagram: @safetopics_podcast and share this podcast with this link.
The S.A.F.E. Topics Team:
curry mitchell – Faculty, Letters (Co-host)
Sean Davis – Faculty, Sociology (Co-host)
Kelly Barnett – Intern and Music Technology Student (Audio Editor)
James Garcia – SDICCCA Fellow and Associate Faculty, Sociology (Show Notes)