SAFE Topics

S.A.F.E. Topics Vol. 1, No. 1, February 19, 2020

Syllabus – A one-word conversation with faculty 

In the first episode of the S.A.F.E. Topics podcast, we go over topics and issues related to the syllabus with our colleagues Annie Ngo (Business), Shawn Firouzian (Math), Rica French (Astronomy), and James Garcia (Sociology). 

What to listen for: 

  • The syllabus as a dynamic document 
  • Teaching for the “non-subject” student 
  • Differences in online, hybrid, and in-class syllabi 
  • A document of love? 
  • Is the syllabus a contract or an invitation? 
  • Visualizing a syllabus, what it looks like 
  • Revisiting the syllabus throughout the semester 
  • How often do we expect students to revisit the syllabus? 
  • How do we present our syllabi? 
  • Do students know that resources are available without the syllabus? 
  • Are the policies discouraging? 
  • What needs to be in the syllabus? 

Resources mentioned in this episode – 
1. MiraCosta’s Syllabus Requirements Page:
2. MiraCosta’s Institutional Core Competencies:
3. MiraCosta’s Student Support Guide:
4. curry’s Google Site syllabus for ENGL 100 Online:
5. Sean’s syllabus for Soc 101 Online: file:///Users/seandavis/Downloads/SOC101_section3256_Davis-1.pdf

You can connect with the S.A.F.E. Topics podcast on Instagram: @safetopics_podcast and share this podcast with this link.  

The S.A.F.E. Topics Team:

curry mitchell – Faculty, Letters (Co-host)
Sean Davis – Faculty, Sociology (Co-host)
Kelly Barnett – Intern and Music Technology Student (Audio Editor)
James Garcia – SDICCCA Fellow and Associate Faculty, Sociology (Show Notes)