Assignment Planning
Designing and facilitating assignments, activities, and projects are some of the most rewarding experiences for teachers. Our colleagues (at MiraCosta and at other colleges) are our greatest source of inspiration for the creative process of lesson-planning
Ideas for Teaching
]The faculty of MiraCosta have amazing assignments and activities that have been archived for years. A Collection of GIFTS (Great Ideas For Teaching) is the perfect starting point to not only add to your teaching toolkit, but also a great way to learn about our fantastic colleagues
Successful preparation for each of our lessons does not just happen. Lesson Planning is a process that must be intentional and needs feedback and reflections from conception to conclusion
Do you want more time for engaging your students in activities that promote collaboration and application of course content. Well, you can always Flip Your Classroom to achieve learning outcomes and use time in class to apply what is being learned
Meaningful projects that help learners make real connections to their worlds through a public presentation of their work is what Project-Based Learning is all about. Learn more about this pedagogical strategy that gets students to connect the dots of your content through experiential learning and solving real-world problems
Contextualized Learning represents a range of ways to connect curriculum to learning that intentionally broadens and deepens students’ experiences. At MiraCosta College, the Contextualized Learning Program encourages faculty to utilize any of the following three approaches in their classes: Infusions, Themes, and Learning Communities